
Prikazuju se postovi od listopad, 2020

Warsaw Uprising - English version

  On Friday we decided to visit the museum of the Warsaw Uprising.  Museum itself was really interesting, from the very beginning and entrance you are going chronically trough time when Germans occupied Warsaw, and then preparations for Uprising, actually Uprising and then also post-event happenings. I heard about it in elementary school, but we didn't pay much attention to eat. While I was in Poland, my interest rise and I started reading more about it. Warsaw Uprising was one of the only real one's uprisings and true antifascists movement.                                                  First, four days of 1944 - red took over by Poles How all of it started? As most of us know, Germany occupied Poland, claiming that it was the Polish fault, and that is how the second world war started. Warsaw and the rest of Poland were literally fucked up by them for full 5 years, and Poles couldn't take it anymore, it was time for the biggest try of Poles to win back their capital cit

Majdanek - English version

                                 MAJDANEK  As I already said in the previous blog, this one is going to be a bit different from my other blogs, so far. Usually, I would touch on history and politics while writing about some country, but in Poland, I really needed to divide history and my time there. If you are asking yourself why you will soon find out. Thursday afternoon, we are driving from the center of Lublin to Majdanek. The concentration camp for people made and run by Nazi Germany. To make things even worse, Majdanek was not only a concentration camp, it was also an extermination camp. I was there one afternoon, maybe for 2 hours only, but what I saw and how I felt, it is really hard to describe with normal words. So I will go step by step, from the entrance to the exit. While driving next to the camp, you only see the field, empty field, close to the city, with fence,  prickly fence of course... We parked the car and went to the first museum at the entrance. There were photos

Poljska/Poland 🇵🇱

 Poljska Srida je, već je 15h popodne, a let mi je u 17. Nisan ništa ruča, pa smo tako Honza i ja odlučili brzinski pojist u Burger Kingu, ulazimo i naručujemo, inače se čeka nekih 6-7 minuti u tu uru. Sidimo i čekamo, ja već nervozan, 20 minuti kasnije dobivamo burgere, jebo ih burger king da ih jebo... Živčanim korakom idemo do njega doma pojist i ja ću na aerodrom. Dobro je, pojia san, imam nekih uru i 15 minuti, bit će dosta. Sidan na Rockya, bajk koji me nikad nije iznevjeria, a vrijednost mu nije ni 200 kuna. Ladno je, puše vitar u prsa, idem prema aerodromu. U glavi mi je samo da se most sad ne digne, inače ću i tu čekat. Kad ono tuf, ispadne lanac s Rockya, namištan ga, čupan ga vanka, cili san se zašporka. Šprintan prema aerodromu ko Roglič na Touru. Stižen, dobro je. Zvoni mi mobitel i zove me ćaća, on uvik zna pogodit moment kad da zove, kad je najnezgodnije. Skidan masku i dok pričan s njim, vitar mi je skoro odnija, napravia san okret od 360, s figurom balerine. Taxisti se