
Prikazuju se postovi od rujan, 2021

Trip around Portugal - Lisbon part 2. (English version)

It is evening and I just arrived in Lisbon. I fucking died in a bus, I was planning to sleep, but in the end, I didn't manage to, I have no idea why. While we were driving at the highway I was looking around, I mean I am on the trip, and I want to see as much as possible. Impressed by nature, already from Porto, tropical one in my opinion, well now while driving on the highway I just got the bigger impression of it but with additional huge vineyards across the country.  Gui was waiting for me at the bus station, I am exiting the bus and already got an impressive first impression. Huge and modern bus station, with additional train and metro stations at the same place. The location is perfect, a bit outside of the city with a direct entrance and exit to the highway. I really liked it, because it is a simple, but also very good-looking building. Gui was dressed as he just came from a business meeting, well he kinda did, he came straight from his job, didn't even have time to chang

Put kroz Portugal - Lisabon 2.dio

 Večer je, stiga san u Lisabon, izgorija san u onon autobusu iskreno. Mislia san spavat, ali eto na kraju nisan uspija. Dok smo se vozili po autoputu san zvirla okolo i gleda di i šta ima. Zapanila me je priroda Portugala, već san bia spomenija da je tropska, uz more, u Portu bar. Međutin, sad kad smo se uvukli malo unutra autoceston, činilo mi se još više tropski, naravno uz dodatne prekrasne i ogromne vinograde.  Gui me već nestrpljivo čeka na stanici kolodvora u Lisabonu. Prvi utisak je očaravajuć, ogromna stanica za autobuse, vlakove i metroe, fantastično locirana na rubu grada sa direktnim ulazom i izlazom na autoput. Baš mi se svidila jednostavnost stanice, a opet izgledon je vrh. Gui u košulji, cili poslovno obučen, nije se stiga ni prisvuć, doletija je s posla.  Šetamo uz obalu rijeke Tajo i idemo na večeru, prigladnija san već lagano, a i dobro bi mi došlo osvježenje u obliku pivice. Sidamo u neki restoran, naručujemo tapase različitih okusa, pivu i kreće razgovor.    Nakon ve

Trip around Portugal - Porto part 1 (English version)

Denmark. Aalborg, it's 4 pm, some stupid weather is out, it's not cold, it's not warm, it's getting cloudy. Honza is just arriving from college and after 3 days of constant drinking, the only thing on his mind is to go to bed and not get up until tomorrow. However, what kind of friend would I be if I let him do it, no brother, you can't lie down! We walk to the train station, from where I will take the train and slowly go to the airport, fuck Honza if u can't drink in your 20es when will u be able to? Nothing, the two of us are walking, he doesn't feel like it, he's dragging himself, but he's going, fuck it, bro, he's feeling shitty that I am leaving. We sit on the bench, he dead, I am full of energy, eager to leave the dark, cloudy, sad Danish ambiance and head to warmer and sunnier parts of Europe. The train came, we said goodbye and I went to the airport. I flew Aalborg - Copenhagen by airplane, a fast flight of about 40 minutes, passed comple