Mielno/Gdansk - English version

Valentine's day, 14th of February 2022, Aalborg, Denmark
    (Dramatic entry, ha, isn't it?)

Well, it has been almost over a year since I saw one of my really close friends, Ervin. He finally decided to come from Copenhagen to our small village on top of Denmark. Since he decided to show up, there was a reason to drink a few drinks, you know, for health. Well, the initial plan wasn't to get wasted, just to have a chill night and conversation, but that plan soon went a bit out of hand and the planned 2 beers turned out to be 10. I mean, it happens, right?
Anyway, 2am, cold, fog, I am walking home and thinking how I should get up at 5am and catch a train at 7am. Yeah, 3 hours of sleep should be more than enough for me. 

Next morning.
I am waking up, going on the toilet, it is still dark outside, with chill vibes. I took my phone in order to see how much more sleep do I actually have, ha, none! It was 7:20am, I was supposed to be on the train at 7am. I am calling my mom to see what to do now, and yeah, I am stressed. Okay, you know what, fuck it, I am going to make it, somehow. I booked the next train at 7:50, so I have 30 minutes to pack myself, do all things I need, and catch the train. Somehow, I did manage it, but I forgot my slippers, other pair of shoes, another jacket and some other things, a towel as well... 
Okay, I am on the train that will take me to Vejle, and from Vejle, I was supposed to catch a bus to Billund airport, anyhow, I will be in Vejle only at 10:05 and there is no way I catch any bus to Billund as my plane is leaving at 11. The only option I have now is to order a taxi, and that is still questionable if I am going to make it. I called them and told them to wait for me at the train station in Vejle, and they said that my taxi ride will be approx. 80 euros. Yeah, I will pay and do whatever, I just need to catch that fucking plane.
Now I have some 2 hours to there, and I started feeling very fucking bad, like bad, bad. So I went to the toilet of the train, puked, washed my face, puked again. Then I just casually walked back to my place, opened my backpack, took a toothbrush and toothpaste, and went back to the toilet. When I was coming back from toilet to the place, where I was sitting, half of the train was staring at me, and I didn't really care, I just walked as it is my living room. 

I am finally in Vejle, going out, taxi is waiting for me, 10:10, it takes some 30 minutes to the airport of Billund. I told the driver to press that gas as much as he can, and that I am having tuff morning. He did it, later he got 5 stars on the app. We managed to get to the airport 20 minutes before my take-off. Cool, I will make it, I mean, I am at the airport. Anyway, I am going to the security check and they found my toothpaste in the pocket of the jacket, you probably still do remember train, so yeah, stupid I know... But that wasn't the biggest issue with me, they found out that I have cheese, that looked suspicious to them, so they analyzed it, and I was like, just fucking throw it away, my flight is in 10 minutes guys... They gave me cheese back, Tomislav cheese 1 - 0 security controls. I am running through the airport and managed to get on board 5 minutes before take-off. 

So, now you are probably wondering if that is it, and yeah, I am on board, nothing can go wrong. Well, it did, it went wrong. I sat down in my place, started recording some videos, and after 15 minutes, and after all of the stress got released, I started feeling bad again. So, following logic, I went to the toilet to refresh a bit, but then I got unconscious on the plane, specifically in the toilet of the plane, never heard anyone doing that before, tbh, not very proud. Stewards came immediately to help me, they gave me water with sugar, asked me 100 questions, and touched my skin, in order to understand if  I am having a heart attack. In all of that madness, they also asked if I wish to have an emergency landing, and I was like, WTF!? Bro, I need to be in Gdansk today, I went through so much shit now, to get an emergency landing somewhere in Sweden because of some small mistake. We didn't do an emergency landing, thank God, I stayed with them until the end of the flight, they were really helpful and they did more than they needed to do in my opinion. Later, I sent compliments to Rynaiar and I got a response that the same crew got my message, so thanks once again! 
In Gdansk, when we landed, emergency waited for me, they checked on me and said that I have low sugar, low blood pressure, and high dehydration and that I should probably visit a doctor and get some infusion. I just casually went on the bus. I mean, tbh, I know what is the reason for this situation is, and also, I need to go to Mielno, so no time to waste on a doctor's check. 

I am on the bus, driving towards Gdansk main station. Well, that bus was 100 times worse than an airplane, fucking masks, no air, million people in the bus, I felt like shit, I thought I am going to go unconscious again. I barely survived, run out of the bus (barely walked out), sat down on some bench, and started breathing. I was completely white in the face, without any blood flow.

In that agony of mine, I met Mia, Branko, and Tomo, who gave me a chocolate bar and water. I started feeling a bit better, I knew I am not alone and finally, I took something to eat and drink.  
A few minutes later Matea, Mirna, and Daniel joined us, I believe they had a million questions for me, I mean you just met a guy who went fucking unconscious in the toilet of the airplane, and that same idiot is going to spend 10 days with you, ha, nice! 

After that unique meeting, we went to the restaurant, I finally drank water and ate some soup with many different things in it, and I started feeling alive, again.  

It was time to catch the train for Koszalin, we went all together to buy tickets, brat {brother, brazciek, брат, brolis, αδελφός} Tomo was communicating with women on Croatian, and we finally
managed to buy them. 

After a short time, I was back to my old level of craziness, finally, I ate some sandwiches and drank some more water. So, my fellow travel companions could meet real Tomislav. Some guy in the train, a bold guy, started bullshiting that we are too loud and that he is very glad, indeed, that we are having a great time, but that we should be quieter = shut the fuck up!  I mean, I got nervous instantly, first of all, why are you fake and lying, if you were glad that we are having a great time you wouldn't complain, so you were fake, you lied, and you were fake polite. Okay, we accepted these critics, but after 10 minutes, we just continued, because, that is how we talk, and I am sorry that guy is having a very sensitive hearing system, through his huge earphones, but yeah, like fuck you, men! In all of this, we met a girl from Koszalin, and she thought us how to say that city properly. Also, she had a really nice dog, Tomo is fucking debil (idiot), btw, he started feeding the dog with salami, without asking her, and then she said if her dog will puke, he will clean it, we agreed on that, seemed like a fair deal. Anyhow that girl was amazing! 

A few hours later, we were in Koszalin, finally, we went to the bus station and to see where is the bus to Mieno going. At that bus station, we met the Bulgarian team, for the first time. We might look a bit unpolite there, as we were going around, trying to change money into Polish zloty and etc. Yeah, we were in our own world when we got to Koszalin, sorry guys for the first impression, but it is better to have the first impression as a bad one because later there is plenty of time to make it better. 

We went on the bus to Mielno, I was sitting in front, next to a very polite and friendly driver, who used me as a door guy, furthermore, he didn't want to volume up music, and he also kicked us out, at the wrong bus station. I need a Borat meme here, very nice! 

Then we had to walk for some 20 minutes to the hotel, and in that walk, Tomo & I were playing some music and heating up a dead atmosphere. When we finally arrived, we checked upon our room, decorated it in a very special way, with two Croatian flags. One of Croatia, and one of Herzeg-Bosnia country. 

From the first moment, we knew, that our room 7, later club 7, will be a room with the best squad in the whole project. (Sorry to the rest of the guys, but by our calculations, our room was highly visited by all of you, data is provided on Eurostat page)
After decorating the room, we went to drink, well all of them, went to drink, I was drinking Coca-Cola and just chilling, because, well, let's just say that I had crazy 24 hours behind me. 

First day of the project 

Well, we got up pretty much fresh, we slept good, and we were hungry. When we came for breakfast, we were happy with it, as it had a variety of choices, and that was pretty cool. It was my first project of a kind, and the rest of the Croatians said that the food was very good! I agree. (This is a compliment to the organization, and not it is not sponsored by them in any way)
Then officially project started, I don't think that I should describe them that deeply, coz they were serious, fun, very valuable, I will more write about situations and things like that here, coz all of us who were there, know what and how we did, and for the rest of you, *we will do Zoom or Teams meeting where we will talk about official things, so you can join. *

I was one of the last guys to enter the room where we had our first meeting altogether, and by my previous experience from the bus, where I sited next to the driver, and the rest sat together, here I also was left out from my Croatian group, and I found some free space in between Polish and Bulgarian team, I believe, not sure, tho. I remember that we needed to write our fears of the project, and our hopes, for hopes I wrote something nice, and normal, for fears, I wrote that I don't have it, as I was sitting next to two girls, I turned to them and said, except falling in love at the project, pretty much stupid thing to do, on the first day, where no one knows you... yeah, just don't do it guys. Skip it.


Finally, lunch came, and we had a traditional Polish dish, pierogi z mesem, which is dumplings with meat and fried onion on top of it. It was amazing for me, at least. Also, the Croatian table was the first one, when you enter the lunch area, and that day, brat Kuba and Michal joined us. After lunch, Branko and I went for a walk to the beach, and the rest of the Croatian squad, at least, went to rest. 
We had an afternoon session with a few tasks, and one of them was to take this amazing photo! :)
After that, we just ate dinner, and I remember I was walking around and just seeing people. Also that night I saw the Lithuanian team practicing their national anthem for the cultural evening, it was a few of us sitting on the first floor and we were recording them. They did a pretty good job, nice signing, and nice playing, as well, coz they had a small guitar. Later on, people started drinking and playing bus, well the bus is a card game, where your goal is not to enter the bus, and if you do, to get out as soon as possible, otherwise, you get shitfaced. I didn't play and I didn't drink, I just didn't feel like, still. It is midnight or 1am not really sure about the time, later in the night, Tomo, Daniel, and Branko are in the middle of the room doing a plank. An amazing thing to see when you enter your room that late, yeah. I went out and just started talking with people. Later on, I entered the room, Tomo and Daniel were sleeping in some ordinary sleeping positions, and brat Branko was, ah, a bit fucked up. 

Usually, I would wake first in the morning, do the routine I had, go out for a walk, and talk w, my mom, over the phone. Well, this morning I woke up, and my roomie (not going to say the name, not nice) didn't feel best, so I asked him: "yo, wazzup?" and he replied that he puked. And my reaction was, like who cares, you know, I also puked on a fucking train and went down in an airplane, I am for sure not the one who can judge, in this situation. And then I figured out, that he puked in bed, it was a bit shitty, I laughed, opened windows and just left for my classic walk, and left others to sleep in peace. Later, we cleaned it up, and everything was fine, no one was mad, it was just a funny situation.  

Then the project started, serious part...
After the morning part we went for a walk, I believe it was Mirna, Mia, Nina, Agata, Branko and me. It was shit weather and cold, with wind, and Mirna left from the walk, as it was cold, yeah. And then, someone, I don't know who recommended that we should go down and maybe touch the sand. Nina was the first one to try the sand, and she tried it with her shoe, which was stuck in the sand, actually, it sort of drowned in the sand. 
We laughed and then the mission of saving her shoe started, it was a successful mission. Well done! 

The worst part of this was that Mirna left before us, as she was cold, and she missed this amazing operation of saving a sneaker from the sand.
In the afternoon session, we did sketches on the topic of stereotypes about countries, I got a pretty good group and awesome country, host country, Poland! In my group, we decided to put the biggest dis on this country. So what we did, wasn't nice, and I thought that we might be, kicked out of the project. I ain't going to write which things we did. It was madness. Other groups also did an amazing job, it was probably the funniest part of the whole project, at least for me. We all had fun and no one got mad, my group stayed on the project, they didn't kick us out!

In the evening we started drinking again, and again, I wasn't drinking, boring story. Or is it? Well in one corner of the room, there were Malwina and Karolina sitting, and I came, started talking with them a bit, about the project, people on the project, and which projects they did so far. So much project used in the previous sentence, never mind. Also, I have some knowledge of Polish and other Slav languages, because I am in Denmark for the past 3-4 years, and instead of learning Danish, I decided to hang out with Slavs and learn as much as possible out of these languages. So, I asked them to say me, how do they say in Polish that some girl has nice eyes. Well, they said to me: "
masz piękne oczy" and then I invited Branko over, as I wanted to be his wingman, and I told him to give compliments to the ladies. He did it right, but yeah, Polish girls, you need to try harder than one line of most common, used, words, probably. Not sure, but I think Nina slept that night with us in the room, as she was locked out of her room. Sad story, sleeping with 4 debil guys from Croatia.
Project - day 3, Friday, job meeting

The third day of the project started with a very serious note, and what is happening on the Polish border every day with migration. We also got a task to find out, what is public opinion about migration in Poland. In order to succeed in that plan, we went to the cultural center of Mielno, where ladies who were retired, have been learning English. It was the perfect moment to actually get in there and talk with them in English about the topic, a win-win situation. Also, their English teacher liked our friend Alex a lot, he got the most compliments of all of us, not because of English, but because of his look. Bravo Alex!
After a successful morning, we rushed back to the hotel, as I had an interview with the Irish cycling federation for the position of High-Performance Manager. The interview went so good, I was so natural and they really liked me, a lot, and that was it like the talk was for 30 minutes, and Tomo took a photo of me and how I did that interview with an improvised table.
*Update about it: I didn't get a job, but now I am sure I will continue my future education of master's degree.
That day we had amazing lunch, some green pasta with chicken, maybe my favorite lunch for the whole project, I really did enjoy it.

Then we had a free afternoon and I went to the Koszalin for a lunch and walk with Mirna, Matea, Mia, and Daniel. We walked around, saw a few things, Chruch, also a lake, and then we sat down, ate some Polish finger food while drinking beer. My first beer in Poland, I did manage a long without alcohol, did I? After our lunch, we went to pools in Koszalin, Tomo and Damyan waited for us at the main station, as everyone else left for the pools, and then Malwina was waiting for us there, as we needed to buy tickets and swimming pants, as I forgot that, as well, surprise!

The pools were amazing, there were a lot of slides where you could go, some of them were scary, some of them were fun, some of them would make you fucking dizzy, so nice, all in all, all of us were like little kids. I liked it a lot. After some time we just decided to go sauna, actually only a few of us, like Malwina, Damyan, Tomo and Branko, and yeah me, ofc. Anyway I have changed maybe two saunas, and just like did cold showers, nothing special, but Damyan, Tomo, and Branko went on some sort of session in the sauna, where they play with temperature and apparently it is hard. Damyan and Tomo left after some time, but Branko stayed inside, for additional 10 minutes, and then he went out, he was red as a crab from the sea. He looked completely dizzy, I was already prepared to give him resuscitation and "mouth to mouth" if needed. After that Branko went in a cold shower, what a maniac, what a legend, that guy, incredible. He is my hero and my idol of the whole project. Branko you have my deepest respect for this, but please, don't do it again, I was shit scared for you!
On the left photo you can see sexy squad, but also pay attention to the sign behind us, where it says max 4 people, and then count us + person who took a photo. 
Then we went back to Mielno, in the bus, all together, there wasn't really enough space for all of us, so some of us needed to stand on our legs, well, if you didn't notice I am a bit taller than an average person, and the bus is not made for tall people. So I was standing in a very weird position for 20 minutes. Some people were sitting on each other, some people well, sorry for that were very close to my back, also for some people, my head was above their head and yeah, interesting experience. After 20 minutes ride, we went into the shop to buy some alcohol, and yeah, I was drinking, finally. But we didn't really drink that night, maybe 2 beers or something, as everyone were very tired from pools.
Usually, when I am tired, I do something, yeah, I know it doesn't make any logic, but I intend to go for a walk or run, and the same thing I did that night. So I just went for a walk with Lili around Mielno, and we talked about studying abroad, in Sweden, as she wants to do it. I think I helped a bit in making that decision. Anyway we continued to hang out with others and when I came into the room, there was an interesting sight, Daniel was sleeping as he is partying hard, while next to him, Branko was sleeping as he just died. I had trauma, from entering my room at very weird times.

Saturday, the first sunny and nice day in Mielno. I don't really remember what we did in the morning, but I know we went for a walk later that day as it was very sunny, and we actually saw a lot of people in Mielno. That was a day where I was happy, sun, beach, sea, good company, what else do you need in life?
Actually, I needed gloves, as it was windy, so brat Damyan have taken off his gloves, gave them to me for some time to heat up my fingers, and then I gave him back, well-done brate, I highly appreciate that move!                 

Then in the evening, we started drinking, well a lot... and yeah it was a fun night, it all started with Lithuanian and Greek cultural night, Polish team had it two days before, but I didn't drink back then, so this my sort of, start. I really liked the cultural night of Lithuanians as they were singing their national anthem and playing it on small guitar, on the other hand, I danced traditional Greek dance and enjoyed it. As I didn't mention Polish night, I will do it now, well I feel like Poland is my second homeland, that is the country I visited so many times and I feel most welcomed in, as Croatian and as Tomislav. History, culture, food, people, I ain't gonna write about that now, but yeah, I wouldn't be objective if I wrote anything about their cultural night here, so this is sort of my compliment to you guys! 
Anyway later that night I was tipsy, and I saw Mirna in the toilet and she asked hey Tomislav, u drunk? and I was like no way, are you mad, I am never drunk. I was drunk. And then I got hungry and asked Damyan and Lili to give me some food, as he had it in his fridge, from the day before, when we went in the shop. We stayed in a room for a bit, talked and chilled, and then joined a party a bit later.
Well, when joining the party, I saw Mia sleeping on a couch, and I was like, weird, okay. Party was soon done, and umm, well there was some sort of a hassle in one of the rooms, so I just took Mia to go with us in our room, and yeah, Mia was also not drunk, same as I wasn't drunk, just saying... 

On Sunday, we had to do videos about migration, it was full of creative ideas, and each group got one Bulgarian team member, a lot of them studied filmography. Unfortenealty, our producer got sick, and we needed to improvise, rest of the groups did a better and more professional job, but we had fun, I got slapped because I apparently was a racist guy in a video. (In real life I am not, it was part of the act)
Then in the evening, we had cultural nights, the first one Bulgarians. They nailed it! First of all entrance, music, singing, presentation, culture. Svetoslava touched my heart with a song Katerino mome, that was the best live performance of singing ever, I am not kidding now, I was speechless. It takes courage to stand in front of 40 people, in traditional clothes and start singing in your own language. At the top of all of that, they gave each of us a special bracelet, that people usually put on the 1st of March for good health, and then you put it on a blooming tree when you see a stork. That day is called Baba Marta day, and the bracelet is called мартеница (martenitsi). 

Well, all good things finish, and then bad things come. Well, our night was good, started pretty nice I would say, with nice videos, presentation and then quiz. We also asked who is the hottest Croatian of all of us, and Branko won the biggest number of voices. And then we decided to play a traditional Croatian equestrian competition, called Sinjska Alka. Well, it went only until 2nd round because our friend George, got a bit fucked up, and then our night was more or less done, coz everyone was worried about him. Nothing dangerous has happened to him, but at the moment, we all reacted in our own way.  
I have no clue what was happening later that night, I just have a photo with 10 people from my room at 2am, I guess we were playing a game of drawing on Daniel's pc, but not sure. 

Monday - Debate day

Well you know how Bulgarian cultural night was something special, heh, well Croats definitely dominated the floor when it came to debating, firstly, Tomo and me, we're on the opposite sides and we tried to dig each other a hole, we won, hehe, ciao Tomo. But then, well we thought that we are harsh, no no, we were wrong, all of us, Daniel came up, and he took the show in his hands, no one could answer even close to him, and he was above every expectation I had. That day Matea got sick, so all of us were trying to help her, in our own way, I went to buy medicine for her, and Damyan as well. I went with Ola, Malwina, Lili, and brat Kuba. Well, I didn't really mention brat Kuba, a lot, but he was like Polish who turned out to be Croatian, he would very often sit down at our table, he would most of the time spend with us, and he was a very nice and good guy, with everything we needed, also Michal was pretty much helpful, two of them were roommates. 

That night, was another night, to have some parting and yeah, we did it pretty well I would say, we didn't have any bet, but brat Branko was dominating that night. He kissed 4 beautiful girls. In my whole life, I can't say that I have kissed 4 girls in one night, on any occasion, neither could Tomo or Alex, I  asked, later on, Daniel also said he never did such a thing. So brate Branko, with Sauna and this, you set your level pretty much high. Also that night, Malwina and Lili slept with us in the room. Half of the people on the project were sick, and so far, we were still fine, so they came to healthy club 7. We went to sleep, and then Tomo came at 4am, and we shared half of the sandwich that was in the fridge. 
Also that same night I figured out that Mia is having an awesome scarf, and I really wanted it, so I was wearing it around. The only issue with it is that I have a brown, colorful scarf, on a navy Croatian football tracksuit, yeah, I know, it aligns perfectly. Mia, you are very lucky, because I don't steal, if I was, you would never see that scarf again.

Well last morning in Mielno came, and our dear Mirna, also got sick, that was a pity, but on the other hand, Matea was completely fine, and we already had medicine for Mirna, so it was all good, and everyone except Mirna, logical. We went for a walk around the stadium, drank a beer, and sat down on our last lunch together. Croatians, as usual, were signing and bothering everyone around us with Croatian songs, except a moment, when abcdef song came, I don't know why, but every morning, lunch and dinner that song was on a fucking tv, for 10 days. 

We came to Gdansk, by train, all together, except for Mirna, Matea, Mia, Daniel and me. We were in another part of the train, sleeping. 
After we found out hostel, we went to eat dinner, a few of us, Matea, Mia, Kati, Greta, Lili, Alex, Damyan, Branko, Tomo and me, I really hope I didn't forget anyone, if I did I am extremely sorry. 
Mia and I found some good restaurant, but it turned out to be one of the most expensive hotel and restaurant in Gdansk, so we decided to go eat kebab while listening to Turkish music, an experience you want to have in Poland, that's why you came, right?
Anyway, the kebab was bad, some people tried mine and said it was best out of all that we had, and for me mine was bad, so you can imagine what was the taste of the rest. 
After that we played Angry Birds UNO cards in the kitchen of the hostel, I think Mia, Branko, Lili, Theodora, Alex, Maria, and Tomo. It was cool and then all of us went to sleep. Last night in Gdansk, all together.
We said goodbye to the Greeks, Matea and Daniel. The rest of us stayed to spend a morning in Gdansk. It was good, we went for a walk around the city and then sat down for a coffee. Later on, Greta and Rugilija joined us. It was a small coffee shop and the opposite of us, there was a Bulgarian squad, that got a bill for water that was tapped, 7 or 8 Polish zloty, amazing job. 
We said goodbye to each other like 3 times, in some 20 minutes, as we all went in the same direction. And then the rest of us split. Mirna, Mia, Branko, Tomo and I went to our hostel, took shower, and then we went for lunch. 
We were sitting in Turystczny restaurant which has been there since 1956. Mirna left us and went to the hostel and Mia, Brankec, Tomo, and I hit a tour of the city. We took pictures, and different ideas were coming up to our minds, the main one was logically to climb on the sign of Gdansk, so while we were doing it, some kids were trying it as well. 
After climbing and playing with some dogs, we went to Amber Sky, which is like some idk, sightseeing wheel, the ride is 15 minutes and you can see all around, and we choose the good and clear night for doing that. 

While being at the Amber Sky, Tomo and I, well we felt romantic, but there was no one, that we could share that moment with because some people left, obvious reasons. So we found each other and took hands, if there is #nohomo then it is okay, right?

Later that night, we were doing shots of cough syrup and we combined it with alcohol. It was amazing, we got just tipsy enough to go in deep conversations, but also to have a great sleep. 
Now, this part was very fun and in my opinion more than positive and unexpected, as all of the blog was unexpected, so it was this...

We are waking up on our last day of the trip. I am the first one to wake up, again. I am reaching to my phone, entering Whats App to reply to messages, and the first one I see is that fucking war started.
It was unexpected, so guys started waking up and I told them, and we felt like shit, we couldn't believe it, coz c'mon 2022. war in Europe, dafaq?
We went on breakfast with girls and I took Holy Bible, read a line to calm all of us down, but still, we were nervous and anxious because Croatia had war in 1991 and even tho we were not born, we still feel it and we know about it. 
We decided to go to the Church today, so we did, the biggest Church in Gdansk and also we went to a tower. In order to do it for a cheaper price, we needed to have student cards, well we had it, but Branko didn't, so he just casually used his train card from Croatia, bravo Branko, lie in a Chruch, jebote... 
Also on our way up, I needed to bend all of the time, as the roof wasn't high enough, well high is not really a word to use.

After that we drank coffee altogether, say goodbye to each other and it was my moment to leave them and go back to Denmark. I felt very sad and with mixed emotions, I know I met so many amazing people and that with some of them I will stay friends for life. But still, after being on such an amazing experience, it is very hard to come back to the country where you don't belong, sit alone in the apartment, and re-think everything. I cooked one of the shittiest meals since I am in Denmark, took 3-4 bites, and just left it on the side. Turned up the volume of Katerino mome song, sat down, and started writing the Croatian version of this blog. Eventually, I ended the blog only 2 weeks later, because I wanted to see all of this retrospectively. 

And at the end, thanks to each of you, I know I didn't mention all of you in the blog, and that doesn't mean that we didn't have a great time and that I don't like you, it is too long to read, and some of you will not even read it. But if you came down here to the dark side of the moon, then thanks!

Polska 🇵🇱 - Malwina, Karolina, Ola, Nina, Agata, Michał, Kuba
България 🇧🇬 - Lili, Kasi, Kati, Simona, Svetoslava , Cveti, Mitko , Zdravko, Damyan
Ελλάδα 🇬🇷 - Theodora, Maria, George, Alex, Konstantinos (Kostas), Anthi, Eleftheria, Foteini
Lietuva 🇱🇹 - Greta, Rugilija, Povilas, Palina, Vladislava
Hrvatska 🇭🇷 - Mirna, Matea, Mia, Daniel, Branko, Tomo
