LONDON - November 2018 Hrvatski/English

*1st part in Croatian 2nd part in English*
Putopis London 🇬🇧

Fotografija Tomislava Pušića.

Sviće zora u subotu, odnosno ne sviće još jer je rano za zoru u Danskoj, 7 sati je, ekspedicija London može započeti. Na put je išlo nas par prijatelja iz razreda, IvanValerijaDenisManonAnastasija.
Na aerodromu smo u Aalborgu, te dok čekamo let za London razmišljamo o idućoj destinaciji koju bi mogli posjetit, a na ovu sada još nismo ni otišli. Ulazimo u avion, let je bia kratak sat ipo, ugodan, važno je napomenuti da san vidia sunce nakon punih tjedan dana zahvaljujući tom letu. Sletili smo u London, magla, tmurno vrime, nije pre hladno, nema kiše. Ulazimo u bus za do grada, vožnja od sata je prošla uglavnom u drijemanju, izlazimo na Liverpool streetu u Londonu. Vilica mi ispada na pod, kolike zgrade, koliko visokih i modernih zgrada, koliko zgradurina šta se tek rade, ukratko ostajem zapanjen skroz i ne mogu virovat šta je ovo. Ivan i ja smo spavali skupa u hostelu, pa smo odlučili na noge prošetat do njega, iako se nalazija u južnome dijelu Londona preko Temze. Hodamo kroz London i divimo se većinom zgradama i kako je šta napravljeno. Prolazili smo uglavnom kroz moderni dio grada, a onda smo došli uz rijeku Temzu i šetnicu, prelazimo London bridge. Šetamo južnim Londonom, subota je, oko 13 sati, ulice pune, ne možeš proć normalno, guramo se, čuvamo ruksake i nadamo se da nas neće netko opljačkat, jer u gradu od 8 ipo miljuna ljudi, je takav ishod vrlo lako moguć. Dolazimo do hostela, koji je udaljen nekih 10ak minuta od London bridgea. Panika čin smo ušli, nemamo baterije, a Englezi imaju drukčije utičnice, fakk!!! Skroz san zaboravija na to. Ostavljamo stvari, prijavljujemo se i razmišljamo kako i što ćemo sa stvarima. Odlučili smo ih ostavit u sobi, iako smo sobu dijelili sa još 6 različitih ljudi. Nakon kratkog raspremanja odlazimo do obližnjeg dućana Tesco i gledamo cijene i čudimo se. Hrana je jeftinija nego u Danskoj, slatkiši, ajme, jeftino naspram koliko izdvojimo za čokoladu u Danskoj… Normalno odma san nakupova slatkiša i prejea se bez razmišljanja, zadnji put san toliko slatkiša pojia kad mi je čača doša ode 

Fotografija Tomislava Pušića.
Odlučujemo da ćemo otići do Tower Bridgea dok je još dan, a i jedini je most koji nam nije usput baš, odlazimo do njega, tražimo poziciju za slikat se, jer je zid za slikavanje doslovno bia pretrpan turistima, tu smo izgubili sigurno nekih 10ak minuta čekajući da ljudi obave svoje. Prelazimo Tower Bridge opet na sjeverni dio Londona, milijun ljudi, svi se gaze, žure, guraju. Promet bolestan totalno na mostu, miljun dice koja voze bicikle ka luđaci, svako malo neko od te dice zamalo padne pod auto, jer ta dica voze ka retardi te bicikle. Polazimo Tower Bridge i krećemo do glavnih atrakcija uz šetnicu rijeke Temze koja je inače jako šporka i smeđa. Nije me niti malo dojmila. I tako smo šetnjom došli do glavnih atrakcija grada, Lonon Eye-a, Big Bena koji je u skelama, bili smo malkice razočarani ali nema veze to je samo razlog za vratit se u London kada ga obnove! 😊
Fotografija Tomislava Pušića.
Nakon razgledavanja i slikavanja se nalazimo s ostatkom družine i zajedno odlazimo na turistički ghost tour po Londonu. Ukratko Tour se sastojao od mjesta i priča o prikazama duhova, bilo ih je oko 10, ali najzanimljivije mi je da Big Ben nema slovo X kao broj 10 već slovo F jer Crkva nije dopustila prekriženi znak, vjerujući da će tako duhovi opsjesti Big Ben, ludilo zar ne?!
Još jedna priča koja me dojmila je u centru Londona jedna malena kućica od 3 kata, na trećem katu te kuće se prikaziva duh i svako ko bi prispava gori bi umra od gušenja. Sada u toj kući jedna firma obavlja svoje djelatnosti, strogo je zabranjen ulazak na treći kat te kuće te nijedan zaposlenik nesmi osatat sam zadnji, uvik ih mora bit minimalno dvoje, ovo je praktički jedina priča u koju san povirova, jer baš i nema razloga zatvorit cili kat na 200 godina i gubit prostor, pogotovo šta je firma unutra, ne obitelj.
Dan smo završili u Green Parku odakle smo metrom došli u hostel, izgubili se 2 puta na noge do hostela od stanice. Izgladnjeli smo pokupovali nešto stvari za večeru i otišli spavati, kako ko odnosno, ja nisam ništa spava, em od nervoze da bi nas neko moga pokrast, em od krajnje lošeg kreveta i kušina.
Fotografija Tomislava Pušića.
Drugi dan je, Ivan bi spava, ali mu nedan, dižemo se u 7 ipo, marendajemo i započinjemo drugi dan po Londonu, razmišljali smo di i šta, nemoguće je obić stadione u Lononu u jedan dan, baš nemoguće, pa skupa odlučujemo posjetit Stanford Bridge, ne treba nam dugo do njega, blizu smo centru grada i usput ćemo vidit nešto. Obišli smo oko stadiona, shop i Chelsea zid, na zidu san se slika samo s jednom legendom, Petr Čech kojega smatram za jednoga od najboljih golmana, rame uz rame s Edwin Van Der Sarom. Nakon stadiona Chelsea, odlazimo u grad famoznim crvenim autobusom na kat. Uživamo u gradu i dolazimo do najpopularnije ulice u Londnonu, Oxford street. Neću puno pisat o njoj, recimo samo da mi je progutala karticu 

Fotografija Tomislava Pušića.
Nakon Oxforda smo otišli nazad u hostel ostavit stvari, putem smo ručali neki sendvič s piletinom za nekih 20ak kuna i onda nazad u grad.
Zvuči poprilično brzo i jednostavno zar ne?!
Ali ne, izgubili smo se 3 puta u metrou, sili na 3 različite linije dok smo došli do željenog odredišta.
Naravno kakav bi to bia posjet Londonu da nismo otišli do Buckingham Palace-a, nije me dojmilo, previše ljudi, baš previše, nema straže, samo miljuni turista, vjerojatno san zato izgubia doživljaj za kojega san očekiva da će bit spektakularan. Nakon nje smo otišli u kafić na vrh grada s kojega se 360 stupnjeva vidi cili grad. Iza Sky Gardena je u planu bilo otići vidjeti Hyde Park i Winter Wonderland, otišli smo u ogromni lunapark put blještavila u centru parka, čista papilova, koje mi više nismo imali, pa smo te egzibicije preskočili.
Ivan i ja smo iza toga otišli u hostel, večerali smo neku manistru i išli leć.

Fotografija Tomislava Pušića.
Ponedjeljak jutro, odjavljujemo se iz hostela i idemo do meni osobno najdražeg kluba u Londonu, do stadiona Millwall-a. Čim smo došli primjetili smo da je to dio Londona koji je radnički i industrijski, šporak i izgleda kada je neki hood u Splitu, a ne u Londonu. Ali stadion ko stadion, doživljaj oko njega i shop su odlični. Bilo bi tužno da nisan nešto kupia u shopu Millwalla, pa san uzea šal i čikaru.
Tia san dres ili tutu od kluba, ali bili su malo puno iznad mog budžeta.
Nakon stadiona smo otišli do ratnog muzeja u Londonu, moram priznat misto koje će mi najviše ostat u sjećanju pogotovo dio o holokaustu, koji nažalost nije dostupan za slikavanje i snimanje.
Iza ratnog muzeja otišli smo do Natural History Museum-a. Inače preogroman je, ima se toliko toga za vidit, da me na samu pomisao vata manjak energije.

Fotografija Tomislava Pušića.
Iscrpljeni od razgledavanja muzeja odlazimo na ručak u Pizza Hut, jer nismo imali ništa drugo u ton trenutku i iza pizza hut u skroz drugi dio grada na pivu jer je bia happy hour od 16 do 19 pa smo za cijenu jedne mogli popit dvi pive. Uzea san Portugalski Sagres koji me se dojmia. Od bara Kick smo otišli u dućan od M&M's i uglavnom se divili cijenama koje su u rangu s Danskima. Blizu je i Kineska četvrt koja je doslovno puna svih živih dućana i restorana sa njihovom hranom, nažalost nismo imali volje sist unutra i probat nešto, ili na sreću 
Nastavili smo do Picadilly Circusa koji je jedno od poznatijih mista u Londonu i tu san večera svoju manistru na zidiću jer nije imalo baš smisla trošit preostale novce na restoran, a pogled je bolji nego u restoranu!
Onda je pala noć i odlučili smo da zadnju noć nećemo spavat već da ćemo provest noć u Londonu i vidit London iz drukčije perspektive. Šta nas je natiralo na to?!

Fotografija Tomislava Pušića.
Prvenstveno London je grad ogromnog kapitala, blještavila, luksuza, dućana od miljarde i miljarde funti, non stop se nešto gradi, zgrade imaju po 50-100 katova, a u istom tom gradu ima toliko beskućnika koji nemaju ni cipele ni jaketu niti išta šta bi ih moglo zaštit, žive na ulicama Londona kao pasi i mačke, iako mislim da bolje žive u Londonu životinje od njih jer nisan vidia ni jednu bez vlasnika, a i ako su bez vlasnika onda su s beskućnicima jer dijele sudbinu… Ivan i ja smo kupili neke krafne i muffine od ostatka para šta smo imali i podjelili s njima, strašno je gledat da do tebe stoji neko ko vozi auto od miljun funti u odijelu i čuješ kako na mobitel priča o idućoj transakciji, dok čovik ispod njega skuplja hrenovku s poda koja je nekome ispala. Cilu noć smo šetali po gradu i gledali koliko ih je bez krova nad glavom, moram priznati da je brojka u mojim očima ogromna, a u stvarnosti još puno veća. Negdi na internetu san pronaša 9000 ljudi. Nakon više od 22 sata bez sna, s ruksakom na leđima sidamo u bus i idemo za aerodrom, čekamo avion i zatvaram naše putovanje u Londonu.
Ostalo je još dosta toga neistraženog i neposjećenog u Londonu, prvenstveno Big Ben, stoga se planiram vratit uskoro, zainteresirani javite se u poruku 😉 !
Fotografija Tomislava Pušića.

Travel diary to London 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Sun is shining as Saturday morning, or maybe not, this is Denmark, 7 in the morning, still dark… There were a couple of friends from the class who were going with me in London.

Fotografija Tomislava Pušića.
We are at the airport in Aalborg, and while we are waiting for the London flight we were considering the next destination that we could visit, and we have not left to London yet. We enter the plane, the flight is a short hour or so, pleasant, it is important to note that I saw the sun after a full week, thanks to that flight. We landed in London, a fog, it is not cold, no rain. We are going in the bus to the city, the hour drive has passed mostly in the dusk, we exit at Liverpool Street in London. My goose falls on the floor, how tall these buildings are, how tall and modern and how many building blocks are still working, in short I remain stunned completely and can not estimate what this is. Ivan and I slept together at the hostel, so we decided to walk on the feet, although it is located in the southern part of London via the Thames. We walk through London and admire most of the buildings and how it is done. We went through the modern part of the city, and then we came to the River Thames and the promenade, crossing the London Bridge and looking all around. We are walking south of London, Saturday, about 13 o'clock, the street is full, you can not walk normally, we are pushing, we keep the backpacks and hope that no one will rob us, because in the city of 8 or more millions of people, such a outcome is very easy. We come to a hostel, which is about 10 minutes from the London Bridge. Panic act is in, we do not have batteries on phones, and the English have different sockets, fuckk !!! In all my dreaming I forget about it. We're leaving things, signing in and thinking about how and what to do with things. We decided to leave them in the room, although we shared the room with six other people. After a short break, we go to the nearby Tesco store and watch the prices and wonder is the food is cheaper than in Denmark, yes that is case with candy, soda and it is cheap compared to how much we pay for chocolate in Denmark ... Normally I bought lot of the candy and sweets without thinking, the last time I eat so much sweets were when my dad was here: P

Fotografija Tomislava Pušića.
We decide to go to the Tower Bridge while it's still a day, and it's the only bridge that's not on our way, we go to it, we're looking for a place to take photo because the wall is literally crowded with tourists, we've lost some 10 minutes waiting for them. We move over Tower Bridge back to the northern part of London, a million people, all looking, rushing, pushing. The traffic is totally sick on the bridge, a million kids that drives bicycles to the madmen, each and every one of them says it almost falls under the car, because they are driving that bicycles as retards. We head to the Tower Bridge and head to the main attractions along the River Thames promenade, which is otherwise very dark and brown. It did not impress me at all. And so we walked to the main attractions of the city, Lonon Eye, Big Ben, who was in the scaffolding, we were a little bit disappointed but nothing to do with it, that is the only reason to come back to London when it's rejuvenated! 😊
Fotografija Tomislava Pušića.
After sightseeing and taking photos we find ourselves with the rest of the company and together we went to the tourist ghost tour in London. In short, the Tour consisted of a places and storys about ghosts, about 10 of them, but the most interesting thing is that Big Ben does not have the letter X as number 10 instead there is the letter F because the Church did not allow a crossed sign, believing that the ghosts would be blown by Big Ben, madness isn't it ?!
Another story that impressed me in the center of London is a small 3-storey cottage, on the third floor of the house there is a ghost showing, and everyone who comes up with burns will die of choking. Now in this house a company is doing its business, it is strictly forbidden to enter the third floor of this house and no one from employees can't stay alone in the company. At least two of them should leave the place togheter. This is the only story that I believe in, at least a little bit.
The day we ended up at Green Park from where we went to the hostel, lost twice on our feet to the hostel from the station. We were excited to pick up some stuff for dinner and went to sleep, I did not sleep, I was nervous for some of my stuff, a bad bed etc.
Fotografija Tomislava Pušića.
The second day , Ivan would like to sleep, sorry but no, we will get up in 7 o'clock, we went on breakfast and start another day in London, we think about what to do, Stanford Bridge, we do not need long time, we are close to downtown and we'll see something in the middle. We went around the stadium, the shop and the Chelsea wall, on the wall I take photo of just one legend, Petr Čech, whom I consider to be one of the best goalkeepers, with Edwin Van Der Sar. After the Chelsea stadium, we head to the city by the famous red bus on the floor. We enjoy the city and come to the most popular street in Londnon, Oxford Street. I will not write much about street, let's just say she swallowed me the card: D
After Oxford we went back to the hostel leaving things, bought chicken sandwich for some 20 kr and then back to town. It sounds fairly fast and easy, isn't it it? But no, we lost three times in the metro, sit on 3 different lines as we reached the desired destination. Of course, what would that be visit London if we did not go to Buckingham Palace, it did not impress me, too many people, too much, no guard, just a lot of tourists. Afterwards, we went to the cafe at the top of the city, from which you can see all city. After Sky Garden we went to see Hyde Park and Winter Wonderland, we went to the huge lunapark of the glittering park in the center of the park. Later, I went to the hostel, we dined pasta and went to bed.
Morning, we are leaving the hostel and head to my personal favorite club in London, to the Millwall stadium. As soon as we came we noticed that it was part of London that was laborious and industrial, and it looks like some hood in Split, not London. But the stadium, the experience around it and the shop are great. It would be sad if I did not buy something in the Millwall shop, so I took a scarf and a spit. After the stadium we went to the London War Museum. Probablly mostly remember in memory of the Holocaust, which unfortunately is not available for recording. We went to the Natural History Museum after the War Museum. Otherwise it is too big, there is so much to see, that the wondering idea is a lack of energy. Exciting from visiting the museum we go to lunch at Pizza Hut because we did not have anything else at that time. After the pizza hut we went on the beer because it's a happy hour from 16 to 19 so we could drink two beer for the price of one. I took Portuguese Sagres that impressed me. From Bar Kick we went to a M & M's store and mostly admired the prices that are in line with the Dansk. There is also a Chinese neighborhood that is literally full of all the grocery stores and restaurants with their food, unfortunately we did not have the will to go inside and try something or maybe luckily: D We went to Picadilly Circus which is one of the most famous places in London and there I had awesome dinner, pasta, and awesome view, one of best in London, even better then restaurants.

Fotografija Tomislava Pušića.
It was night already and we decided that we would not sleep last night, instead to spend all the night in London and see London from a different perspective. London is a city of huge capital, glittering, luxury, billions of billions of pounds, building blocks, buildings with 50-100 floors, and in the same town there are so many homeless people who do not have any shoes or hats or jackets, anything that could protect them, they live in the streets of London as dogs, although I think they live in London better than they do, because they are not seen without any owners, and if they are without the owners then they are with the homeless because they share the destiny ... Ivan and I bought some donuts and muffins from the rest of the money we had and shared with them, it is terribly watching that there is someone who drives a million pound car in the suit and you hear on the cell phone story about the next transaction while the man below, next to him, he collects a hot dog from a floor that has been thrown out from somebody. By the middle of the night we walked around the city and watched how many of them living on the streets without roof, I must admit that the figure in my eyes is huge, and in reality much bigger.

Fotografija Tomislava Pušića.

 On Internet I found fact that there is somewhere around 9000 people. After more than 22 hours without sleep, with backpacks on our backs we are going to the airport, waiting for the plane and close our trip in London. There is still plenty of unexplored and unseen places in London, that I left behind, primarily Big Ben, so I am planing to return soon, get in touch with me if you want go 😉!
